The Start of my Random Food Blog

Ok, this first blog is going to be very random since I have never done this before. But I am pretty good at rambling on about food - both good and bad - and I am pretty opinionated about it. I guess that comes from growing up in an Italian family where life centered around food. My life still centers around food. I cook for a living as a personal chef and I also teach cooking classes to children. I love grocery shopping. I love farmer's markets. Every trip I take with my family is an "eat-your-way-through-(fill in city here)" tour. I'd much rather spend $150 to eat a fantastic restaurant that buy a new pair of shoes.
So what can you expect to read here? You can look forward to lots of great stuff - from local (and not so local), restaurant reviews, food netwook show critiques (I have several favorites), my days at the grocery stores (I shop at many, sometimes all in one day), recaps of my cooking days for my clients, recaps of my cooking classes with the kids, maybe some recipes, and lots of random thoughts!
Buon Appétito!

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