Keurig Coffee Machine in Ortho Office = Ortho Worth Every Penny!

I love going to our orthodontist. My kids might not. But as they get their braces tightened I get to enjoy a soothing hot cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea. A single cup made right on the spot. Our orthodontist has this Keurig coffee machine that makes ortho appointments something to look forward to. With this amazing machine there are even choices: French roast, Kona, decaf. Or teas like Earl grey, peppermint, green. This machine is pure magic. I pop in the "pod" of my choice and in about 25 seconds I have a hot cup of the yummiest coffee ever.

Along with the incredible selection of current magazines and today's local newspaper I could hang out in the waiting room all day.

"What son, you're done?" "Are you sure?" "I think your braces might not be quite tight enough."

I don't think I can ever let my kids get their braces taken off.


MM said...


I just noticed your blog has ads!!! How did you swing that?? You're such an entrepenuer.

Food Chaser said...

you can set them up through your blog setup. look in the part that has the layout of your page and select adsense. you have to set up an adsense account. it's all very easy. my j. has ads on his blog too! he's the pro w/ this stuff!